WTDO is dedicated to electing Democrats at all levels of our community while building the most active, inclusive, and diverse party possible.

Let's Elect More Wheatland Democrats

WTDO is dedicated to electing Democrats at all levels of our community while building the most active, inclusive, and diverse party possible.

Stand with Us

Volunteer, knock doors, or learn more about running for office. Our strength grows faster as more Wheatland Township Democrats get engaged and active.

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Long-term survival of American Democracy depends on local elections.

Donate to WTDO

Long-term survival of American Democracy depends on local elections.

Democratic Party of Wheatland Township

PO Box 9415

Naperville, IL 60564

A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website (www.elections.il.gov) or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.